I am going to copy Laura, who copied from Ashley. I think I like these things because I can talk about myself. I just realized that about myself.
1. Who was you FIRST dance date? My first dance was the junior prom and I went with Doug Kennedy, who was also my boyfriend.
2. Do you still talk to your FIRST love? Doug (see above)was my first love. He was killed in a hunting accident about 4 years after we graduated from high school.
3. FIRST time you got stitches? When I was in 2nd grade, I was playing on the merry-go-round and slipped. I slammed my chin into one of the poles and cut it open on the bottom. I had to have 4 stitches.
4. What was your FIRST job? Besides babysitting, my first job was working at Pasquales Pizza as cook/dishwasher/clean-up crew. I think I made $2.35 an hour.
5. FIRST car? A 63 Ford Falcon. My friends called it "Funky dude". Part of the floorboard on the passenger side was rusted out, so if the floormat slipped and we drove through a puddle of water (common in Mississippi)the passenger got quite wet. :) Sometimes the brakes would go out and I would have to drive around the house before the car stopped. And the transmission would get stuck in first gear and so I would be going 50mph in first gear. It was an awesome car.
6. Who was the FIRST person to text you today? Like Laura, I don't text. On my plan, texts are extra. I still like email. The first person to email me today was Mike, my friend in Middleton.
7. Who was the FIRST person you thought about this morning? It was probably Curt. He rattles around about 2 hours before any sane person would think about getting out of bed.
8. FIRST grade teacher? Mrs. Sherman, at Kinley AFB in Bermuda. I have blogged about her before. She is the one who made my teeth rattle by shaking me for talking in the playground line.
9. Where did you go on your FIRST sirplane ride? My first airplane ride was taken when I was 9 months old. I was born in France, and my family was returning to the United States because Dad got transfered from France to Shreveport, Louisiana.
10. Who was your FIRST best friend and so you still talk? My first best friends were sisters, Michelle and Laurie Griffin. They lived down the lane from me in Bermuda. We just played so well together. Their Dad got transfered to Boston about the same time my Dad got transfered to Tennessee. We wrote each other for a while and then lost touch. I would sure like to know what is up with them.
11. Where was your FIRST sleepover? At Mickie and Laurie's house. Michelle's nickname was Mickie.
12. Who was the FIRST person you talked to this morning? Since Jake didn't have school today, I didn't see him before I left for work. I did talk to the cat quite a bit, but the first person I talked to was Nikki Williamson when I walked into the building.
13. Whose wedding were you in for the FIRST time? My own.
14. What was the FIRST thing you did this morning? Took a shower.
15. What was the FIRST concert you ever went to? July 8, 1972 - The Osmond Brothers - Houston, Texas. Totally awesome.
16. FIRST trip to the hospital? When I was 3, I had my tonsils taken out.
17. FIRST piercing? When I was 13 yrs old, my best friend's mother pierced my ears.
18. FIRST foreign country you have ever been to? That would be the one I was born in, France.
19. When was your FIRST dentention? My first detention was after I became a teacher and I kept a student for detention. That was 1994.
20. What was your FIRST toy? Jake suggested this question as the 20th question. The first toy I can remember was when I was 3 yrs old. I got a Chatty Cathy doll,either for my birthday or Christmas. It was one of the first dolls to have that string that you pulled and it would talk. I loved that doll.